>>> On 8/12/2010 at 10:26 AM, in message <4c640484.2030...@secnap.com>, Michael
> does linux support a lightweight 'jail' like *BSD?
> in a bsd jail, it LOOKS exactly like virtualization (from the individual 
> application). 'root' isn't root, its a chroot, and the processes in the 
> 'jail' are isolated.
> nice thing about it, no hypervisor overhead.  and it might do what you want.
> (sipx currently doesn't run in freebsd)

A few years back I can remember someone using chroot to get multiple instances 
of SipX on the same box.  chroot would get around any need to change the file 
paths from sipx perspective while allowing you to have separation from the real 
root directories.


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