On Thu, 12 Aug 2010 14:31:45 -0700, Charles <chalek...@gmail.com>
> I deleted the repo, then did a wget to acquire the new repo.
> This is the new repo it downloaded:
> [sipXecs]
> name=sipXecs build service for CentOS $releasever - $basearch
> baseurl=http://download.sipfoundry.org/pub/sipXecs/4.2.1/CentOS_$releasever/
> enabled=1
> gpgcheck=0
> I then go to the GUI to update and get this response:
> Downloading and installing updated packages...
> Loaded plugins: downloadonly, fastestmirror
> Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
> Package update complete.
> ***END***
> http://download.sipfoundry.org/pub/sipXecs/4.2.1/CentOS_%24releasever/repodata/repomd.xml:
> [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found
> Trying other mirror.
> Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for
> repository: sipXecs. Please verify its path and try again
> ***END***

I had to change the baseurl to

worked fine after that.

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