I've testing this using AMI id  ami-f8b35e91.   AMI  is produced by
RightScale, but does not have to be used by rightscale services.

Notes about instructions:
* change sipxecs with your hostname
* change sipxecs.example.com with your FQDN

-2) launch instance (see tips below on security group)

-1.) configure holes in security group, depending on what you want to
expose: 22, 5060, 8443, 80,...

0.) add sipxecs repo file

1.) to resolve
 syslog-ng and rsyslog conflict

 rpm -e --nodeps syslog-ng
 yum install -y rsyslog

2.) setting hostname
/etc/hosts   localhost   localhost.localdomain sipxecs.example.com sipxecs

run command
 $ hostname sipxecs.example.com

3.) install sipxecs

for sipxecs-setup
 configure sipxecs with local ip address, not public IP address

* Launch each instance in it's own security group, that way you can
control firewall individual basis and good way to keep track of
instances because EC2 won't let you name instances.
* If you launch in zone east-1a, the installation will go very fast
and bandwidth will be free because downloads are hosted in this zone
* For EBS-backed, you might want to try AMI-ID ami-1d10fd74.  I
searched for a while on a good ebs-backed CentOS images and this is
what i came up with.
* share your results, lets create a wiki page.
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