On 24 aug 2010, at 21.45, Martin Steinmann wrote:

> From comments on the list and Dale’s patch I would conclude that this is a 
> sipXecs bug for which we need a new issue to track this.

I created one, http://track.sipfoundry.org/browse/XX-8834.

I haven't tried the patch since I'm using RPMs and not installing from source. 
If needed I can setup a new system
tomorrow from source and try the patch. 

> To test this we have to crank a build and I’d like to know what environment 
> (OS, 32/64 bit) this is on.

My system is CentOS 5.4, 32bit

Shall I add a snapshot of my current system to the tracker or is gathered 
information and discussion enough? 


Staffan Kerker
mail/sip/xmpp: staf...@kerker.se

"There is absolutely no money above the 5th fret..." /Donald "Duck" Dunn

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