On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 9:39 PM, Flatfender <flatfen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> First I would like to thank Ezuce for stepping up to sponsor
> Sipfoundry.  I know that the current ACD server is being replaced with
> a Freeswitch based one.  Currently I admin a asterisk based system,
> which I would like to replace with Sipx.  I like SipX's architecture
> much better even if there is a bunch of java :)  The show stopper for
> me right now is a good ACD that I can run a call center around and
> call center report metrics.  We currently us Queuemetrics with
> Asterisk and it works well enough, though we just rolled it out.  So
> I'm curious if supporting a call center in SipX is on the radar at
> all?  ACD without reporting does very little.

There were minor tweaks to 4.3 to make this setup possible
but it does work.   There are fairly significant load tests being run
on it, and OpenACD is seeing improvements and bug fixes because of it.

If you don't mind getting your handy dirty with much manual
configuration, i think your answer lies with how well does OpenACD
meets your needs.  So you're not a fan of java, I wonder how found of
erlang you are.

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