On Fri, 15 Oct 2010, Michael Scheidell wrote:

> Gerald's for voipblacklist (Gerald, I like this one.  can 
> you get me contact information for admin?)

I looked and pulled -- it seems to be a 'young' effort in 
        - it lacks a 'in file' 'freshness' indicator
        - it lacks a statement of methodology as to access and 
decession of IP's to the list

> Emerging Threats blocks of DSHIELD listed ip's, their list of RBN's (Russian 
> Business Network) EC2 (list of amazon ec2 ip's)

URL please

> oh, and you can hijack this thread and put in any comments 
> or discussion you like :-)

Now, now.  I assume some people's 'delete' key in their mail 
user agent is cumbersome to use.  Is it nice to mock them?

-- Russ herrold
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