Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for your early reply. I have tried to download live CD and 
installation CD both, but could not succeed, as I could not find the link in 
download page.

Can you please send the link so as to download. If possible, I want to download 
on windows os, as I have windows Os on my laptop. Hence early reply is very 
much appreciated. Thanking you in advance. I would be grateful to you.


On Sun, 24 Oct 2010 08:36:37 +0530  wrote
>ubuntu is not officially supported, some people have made some progress but it 
>needs a lot more work and testing.  CentOS and Fedora are two supported OSes 
>without doing extra work

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 10:49 PM, shaikh basha  wrote:

Dear All,

Good Morning every one today. I have some following problems. Is there any one 
could sort it out in this forum. Early action in this regard would be very much 

1. I am unable to log in with my username and password on SIPXECS webpage. I 
don't know wy? I have user id in SIPXECs.

2. I have installed ubuntu on my pc alongside windows 7 OS. Now I am trying to 
download SIPXECS on ubuntu, but I could not find the link. 

I don't want to make ISO CD Installation of SIPXECS in order to avoid deletion 
of existing OS. Hence I am looking for a link that can be downloaded on Ubuntu 
without formating and deleting the existing OS and harddrives on my pc.

Please try to help me. Your early response in this regard would be very much 
appreciated. Thanking you in advance. Regards,


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