On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 9:15 AM, Eda Ercan <edaer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The owner of sipx installation directory is a user other than sipxchange, it
> is the user that makes the build process, but everyone has the rights to
> read/write (777) - does it matter?

Couple things
1.) CDR report processing is not part of default source based
installs. In order to build and install it automatically, you need to
add these switches to your call to configure script before building

     --enable-reports --enable-agent

2.) When you install from source, some things are not setup for you
automatically such as crons.  There is a cron that processes the raw
call events into actual calls. I always forgot what this is, so I went
onto a running system and typed

 find /etc/cron*

where I saw


So you need to run this manually to process all the call events into
call details.   The path will be different for source installs, if you
cannot find it, let me know.
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