On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 9:36 AM, Geoff Van Brunt <gvanbr...@dstgroup.com> wrote:
> The problem is the domain is included in calculating the hash. So if you 
> restore to a new domain it uses the new domain for calculations to compare 
> against so they don't match. What is needed is to drop the domain from hash 
> calculations for new pins. However this breaks backwards compatibility. I 
> think this can be worked around by storing the "old domain" for the pin in 
> the table so when it comes time do a comparison it can use that for the hash 
> calculation to compare to. Config server should also prompt the user to 
> change it when they log in if possible so it forces them to move to the "new 
> pin format".

yep, exactly the problem and a very usable solution IMHO.
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