On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 2:05 PM, Tim Byng <t...@missioninc.com> wrote:
> Hi Tony,
> Thanks for the feedback. I thought you would be the one replying to this
> question. :)
> On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 5:02 PM, Tony Graziano <tgrazi...@myitdepartment.net>
> wrote:
>> Your outbound nat type for the sip server should be Manual But not for the
>> whole subnet Which should be automatic.
> I think I understand what you're saying. I'm new to pfSense and was
> wondering if you wouldn't mind clearing up a couple of questions I have.
> First of all, here's how I originally set up pfSense:
> On the Firewall: NAT: Outbound page, I selected "Manual Outbound NAT rule
> generation (AON - Advanced Outbound NAT)" and clicked Save. Two Outbound NAT
> mappings were automatically added.
> I edited the "Auto created rule for LAN to WAN" mapping, selected Static
> Port and clicked Save.
> On the Firewall: NAT: Port Forward page, I added the required mappings and
> rules for sipXecs (this is pretty straight forward, so I will not go into
> the details).
> Based on your response, I believe I need to change steps one and two. Please
> let me know if this is correct:
> On the Firewall: NAT: Outbound page, ensure "Automatic outbound NAT rule
> generation (IPsec passthrough included)" is selected (i.e. don't change the
> default).
> Add an Outband NAT mapping, set the source to the sipXecs server and select
> Static Port.
> The available source types on an Outbound NAT mapping are "any" and
> "Network". I do not have my sipXecs box in a different subnet than the rest
> of my network (I only have a handful of phones and rarely add or replace
> phones). Can I set the source to just one IP address? Let's say my sipXecs
> box has an IP address of with a subnet mask of
> Can I set the source of the Outbound NAT mapping to
> I appologize for asking what are probably pretty basic networking questions.
> This isn't in my area of expertise.
> Thanks,
> Tim

Sure Tim. Manual/Static
If you PC's and phones are on DHCP and the DHCP range is definable... (dhcp range), then do "automatic"
and thusly manual (split the difference)

I think you get the general idea though.

Tony Graziano, Manager
Telephone: 434.984.8430
sip: tgrazi...@voice.myitdepartment.net
Fax: 434.326.5325

Email: tgrazi...@myitdepartment.net

LAN/Telephony/Security and Control Systems Helpdesk:
Telephone: 434.984.8426
sip: helpd...@voice.myitdepartment.net

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