I know there are/were some things that firewalls, and/or itsp's do at (almost ) exactly 600 seconds.

I am trying to track down why a held call will lost moh at exactly 600 seconds.

dialing out of a 4.20 system, using level3 els trunks (separate sip signaling and media servers), using internal sipx bridge.

phone is polycom 650, fw 3.13.

i make an outbound call to my cell, and put it on hold, set mute buttons, listen to my nice moh.

600 second later, abruptly, no moh. and if I take call off of hold, I get two way audio.

I do see sipx sending another invite to the itsp, and they send sdp: 200 ok, ack it, then sipx sends another invite, and I see several more sdp 200ok's from them along with another invite.

yes, I can do packet traces.

any ideas till then?

Michael Scheidell, CTO
o: 561-999-5000
d: 561-948-2259
ISN: 1259*1300
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