• Polycom phone with a certificate installed at the factory.
To verify that the certificate is installed, on the Polycom phone, press the
Menu button, and then select Status > Platform > Phone. If a certificate is
installed, “Device Certificate: Installed” will be listed. If a certificate is
not installed, “Device Certificate: Not Installed” will be listed.
• Polycom Root CA certificate, available at

On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Tony Graziano
<tgrazi...@myitdepartment.net> wrote:
> I would assume (I may be wrong) that the CA used to secure TLS with
> the phone would require the phone conifg to specify the certificate
> AND have the certiciate loaded in the phone. (i.e. use this on, here
> it is). Have you checked the cfg files to see the certificate is
> specified?
> On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 10:19 AM, Staffan Kerker <ietf-li...@kerker.se> wrote:
>> I've installed the following chain of Polycom CAs in SipX (not via GUI
>> though) downloaded from http://pki.polycom.com/pki/
>> Polycom Root CA.crt
>> Polycom Equipment Policy CA.crt
>> Polycom Equipment Issuing CA 1.crt
>> Maybe I shall install the last one as well, the "Polycom Issuing CA 2". I've
>> also, as mentioned, installed the SipX self-signed CA onto the Polycom phone
>> using the info in the SipX Wiki. The Wiki does not describe the procedure of
>> installing the Polycom Root CA in order to use TLS. It only talks about
>> getting the SipX CA cert onto the Polycom phone. What is required? Do we
>> really use mutual TLS authentication, or only server based authentication
>> (client authenticates server by installing the CA cert of SipX)?
>> Is anyone running SIP over TLS for Polycom phones?
>> //Staffan
>> On 13 apr 2011, at 15.08, Joegen Baclor wrote:
>> I have proposed being able to upload phone CA via the config.  I know there
>> are several CA for Polycom as documented in the site.  Decrypt Error seems
>> to indicate that you have uploaded the wrong CA signature than what your
>> phone is sending.  We need to pull some strings in Polycom to get into the
>> bottom of this.   Perhaps one with subscription support?
>> On 04/13/2011 07:58 PM, Staffan Kerker wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to get TLS working properly between the connected endpoints
>> (Polycom Soundpoint IP335) and the SipXproxy. No firewalls/NAT or anything
>> inbetween.
>> I'm running v3.2.5 on the Polycoms and SipXecs version 4.4.0-
>> 2011-04-01EDT23:24:23 domU-12-31-39-0E-DD-81
>> I have followed the guide provided on the Wiki
>> (http://wiki.sipfoundry.org/display/sipXecs/Installing+the+Root+CA+Server+Certificate+on+the+Polycom+Phone)
>> and
>> (http://wiki.sipfoundry.org/display/sipXecs/Polycom+Phone+using+sipXecs+TLS+transport)
>> but still, no sucess. The polycom UI tells me that the SipX CA ceritifate is
>> installed
>> successfully on the phone and I've tried both using "All Certificates" and
>> "Custom Certificates" in the Polycom settings.
>> However, no TLS. I look at the Wireshark traces and notice the the TLS
>> handshake is failing since (as far as I understand it) the Polycom is not
>> sending the correct client certificate to the
>> server. After server has sent Certificate, Certificate Request and
>> ServerHelloDone, the Polycom responds with a Certificate message containing
>> the Polycom certificates, not the by SipX
>> generated (and on the Polycom installed) certificate. This ends with a Fatal
>> Error and the Polycom falls back to TCP.
>> First, the error was "Unknown CA" but after installing the Polycom chain of
>> root CA on SipX, it's now "Decrypt Error"... But the guide says nothing
>> about the need to install the Polycom device
>> Root CA on the SipX server in this situation.
>> I'm confused... and would be very happy with some guidance...
>> //Staffan
>> --
>> Staffan Kerker
>> mail/sip/xmpp: staf...@kerker.se
>> "Don't get involved in politics man, just play the gig..." /Sgt Floyd,
>> Electric Mayhem Band
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>> sipx-users mailing list
>> sipx-users@list.sipfoundry.org
>> List Archive: http://list.sipfoundry.org/archive/sipx-users/
>> --
>> Staffan Kerker
>> mail/sip/xmpp: staf...@kerker.se
>> "Don't get involved in politics man, just play the gig..." /Sgt Floyd,
>> Electric Mayhem Band
>> _______________________________________________
>> sipx-users mailing list
>> sipx-users@list.sipfoundry.org
>> List Archive: http://list.sipfoundry.org/archive/sipx-users/
> --
> ======================
> Tony Graziano, Manager
> Telephone: 434.984.8430
> sip: tgrazi...@voice.myitdepartment.net
> Fax: 434.326.5325
> Email: tgrazi...@myitdepartment.net
> LAN/Telephony/Security and Control Systems Helpdesk:
> Telephone: 434.984.8426
> sip: helpd...@voice.myitdepartment.net
> Helpdesk Contract Customers:
> http://support.myitdepartment.net
> Blog:
> http://blog.myitdepartment.net
> Linked-In Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/tony-graziano/14/4a6/7a4

Tony Graziano, Manager
Telephone: 434.984.8430
sip: tgrazi...@voice.myitdepartment.net
Fax: 434.326.5325

Email: tgrazi...@myitdepartment.net

LAN/Telephony/Security and Control Systems Helpdesk:
Telephone: 434.984.8426
sip: helpd...@voice.myitdepartment.net

Helpdesk Contract Customers:

Linked-In Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/tony-graziano/14/4a6/7a4
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