On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 10:25 AM, George Niculae <geo...@ezuce.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Nathaniel Watkins
> <nwatk...@garrettcounty.org> wrote:
>> Is anyone having trouble using Eric & Josh's Custom polycom config - 
>> http://sites.google.com/site/sipxecstipsandtricks/polycom-phones
>> I get a configuration error when I have this turned on and the phone will 
>> not boot up...and of course I'm sure I'll have users screaming in a few 
>> hours because they don't know how to send calls to voicemail the 'normal' 
>> way.
> Can you please raise a bug and attach a snapshot (or at least
> 000000000000-license.cfg and 000000000000.cfg from
> var/sipxdata/configserver/phone/profile/tftproot)? I just committed a
> fix in this area but maybe there is something more.

Assuming you're using the 4.4 integration of the feature...

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