On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 6:48 PM, Manny <prestig...@gmail.com> wrote:
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> Organization: SipXecs Forum
> X-FUDforum: 08063afcdd00a6e76393c5b9527381e8 <58721>
> Message-ID: <e561.4dac5...@forum.sipfoundry.org>
> I accidentally turned off superadmin access to admin group
> in the admin console using superadmin as username.
> The problem is not with the password. The problem is not
> having a single user with SUPERADMIN ACCESS OR PRIVILEGES.
>> So there must be a way to turn this feature back ON
>> within the database table, but how?

psql SIPXCONFIG -U postgres
SELECT group_id from group_storage where name='administrators';

(in my case it returns 4)

then insert this (need to replace 4 with the one returned by SELECT above)

INSERT INTO setting_value VALUES (4, 'ENABLE',

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