On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 9:48 AM, Keith Laidlaw <kei...@dakins.ca> wrote:
> First time I tried it, I got error 404 when I ran “yum update –y” and had to
> change “$releasever” to “5” in the base url of the repo then it worked.

you shouldn't have to do this, but i think it's indicative of the
subsequent problem your getting.

> freeswitch-1.0.7-1441.g35129.i386 from sipXecs has depsolving problems
> --> Missing Dependency: libvorbis.so.0 is needed by package

Somehow your base repo on CentOS is not copasetic because vorbis along
with all the other packages upgrading is complaining about are
available from the base repo.  Curious, did you upgrade this from
4.0.4 sometime back before going to 4.2.1.  I ask because there was
some monkey business messing w/the centos repos in that release that i
think you are running into.

You're /etc/yum.repos/CentOS-Base.repo should look like the one
attached.  If this works, I'll update the wiki.

Attachment: CentOS-Base.repo
Description: Binary data

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