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I'm not sure if this may be related to the call quality, but in the sipXproxy.log I found that the following error occurred several times throuhout the day.....
"2011-07-28T08:13:47.439922Z":10822972:SIP:ERR:sipx.ebbrown.local:SipUserAgent-2:B6CFDB90:SipXProxy:"SipUserAgent::handleMessage SIP message timeout expired with no matching transaction"

We have a client who is using a SipXecs system with sipxconfig version 4.0.1-015823  For the past couple of days they’ve had issues with call quality.  On their end of the of the call the words were broken up, but on the other end of the call the quality was fine.  At times the quality was so bad they couldn’t make anything out.  They recently upgraded their internet speed, but the ISP has tested and notices no issues.   We have rebooted the SipXecs, the Sip GateWay (An InGate), the firwalls, network switches, etc.    After rebooting all these devices, the customer reported that the call quality was good.  However the date/time were wrong on the phones and they couldn’t transfer between extensions.   We sent the profiles to all the phones and forced them to reboot.  This resolved the transfer issues and date/time issues for the users we were able to speak with at the time.  However a few hours later, we received reports that they couldn’t transfer calls in one instance, then on another call they could.  They also reported that the call quality was choppy on their end again.  Does anyone have any suggestions on this issue?  We are looking through the logs now.  What logs do we need to look at specifically for this issue?  Before we start looking at replacing the POE switch or other equipment, we just wanted to check and see if anyone has any suggestions.


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