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I missed Tony Graziano's response requesting info have re-submitted an email with a Subject of "Attempt To Make Callls But Never Successully Invite Sent Over and Over"  that explains more about the issue.  Below is the subject of that email.....
We have a client using SipXecs 4.0.1-015823  They've had several phone issues over the last few weeks with call quality and a few other things.  We resolved the issue for several weeks by replacing a switch and cabling.  On Thursday they had some transfer issues and the date/time were wrong after we rebooted the SipXecs because it froze while we were in it look for the cause of poor quality which had just returned.  We restored a recent backup to the SipXecs thinking that the config may have been corrupted during the system hang.  Note prior to restoring the config, calls to/from outside worked, only the date/timer were wrong and internal transfers did not work.  Since the restore they cannot send or receive calls to the outside.  A packet capture on the SBC (InGate Siparator) and at the ITSP reveal the following error. 
"Traversal licenses limit has been reached. Please contact your reseller to upgrade with more SIP Traversal Licenses."  Upon talking with support of the SBC and ITSP, they analyzed packet captures and noticed that if a call is placed...the ITSP sends us an invite, then we send an invite back to them and this happens multiple times over and over, for just one VOIP call.  They say that something in the phone system is causing a loop and that during normal call the following should happen...The ITSP sends an invite>>we send a 100 trying>>a ringing 180 or 183 is sent>>a 200 OK is sent >> then an ACK is sent and normal call progresses.  We are working on setting up SipXecs 4.4 on  a virtual machine and restore the most resent backup.  However just in case this doesn't work, what logs do we need to look at for the above issues and does anyone have any suggestions on this?  This client has multiple companies working off this SIP Trunk and we really need it fixed by Monday.  Any suggestion would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.


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