On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Jan Fricke <jan.fri...@iant.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I know that there are some end-devices that support CCBS (call completion on
> busy subscriber). E.g. we used it some time ago with snom phones. If I’m not
> wrong the feature is implemented on phone side with some kind of
> event-package (Subscribe/notify etc.). This seems complex to me and also has
> some implications on using voicemail. Also it is not available if you use
> some phone types that does not support CCBS (e.g. mix of wired and wireless
> devices).
> Is there a way to do this server-sided? I think of this scenario:
> -          Alice is talking to Bob.
> -          Carol is trying to call Alice and becomes transferred to Alice’s
> Voicemail. The Voicemail System also prompts: “…Press X if you wish to be
> called back”
> -          SipX notes the end of the call between Alice and Bob and just
> triggers Alice’s phone to call Carol (REST request?).

sipxproxy is generally "stateless" and keeping track of specific calls
is not in it's DNA.   Active calls in CDRs page is an illusion of some
script that runs in the background replaying events.  Seems like you'd
need a B2BUA and i suspect a freeswitch mod would do the trick.  Once
the mod was developed, you could install it into a sipxecs.   In
addition, you'd have to modify sipXivr to trigger this mod.   So in
short, do-able but not trivial, but others may know more.
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