On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 4:31 AM, Jeff Ferrara <jferr...@rhino.com.au> wrote:
> Just wondering if anyone knows of an easy way to override the phone book
> supplied by sipX to Polycom phones.
> I want to change the "<rt>" (ringtone) field of the Polycom
> 000000000000-directory.xml file per contact to allow for individual
> ringtones based on extension.  I was thinking I might be able to simply
> change the files in the FTP / TFTP directory, but I'd expect these to be
> overwritten every time profiles are regenerated.

Proper way is to add support into configuration system, but that would
involve a lot of work. I can map that out if you're interested.  It
would only be accepted for next release: 4.6. It would involve
updating postgres, schema, tapestry pages, java core classes and java
polycom phone config implementation.

If you want to hack something specific for 4.4 release, if you edit


it uses a syntax that is programmable


Maybe you could hard code some convention, if a phonebook name ends in
"ZZZ" then set rt to specific value.
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