On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 11:41 PM,  <andrewpit...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Thanks George.  The "restricted" parameter looks like it only applies to
> situations where the user needs to be superadmin but isn't.  I suppose I
> could (and probably should) add another boolean parameter in a similar vein
> for pbxman and check it in Border anyway to be safe.  The thing is, there
> are many finer-grained sub-permissions that need to be checked.  I suppose I
> could rework things so that instead of checking permissons in
> pageBeginRender() for the individual pages or using Tapestry conditionals in
> the html, Border would take a String parameter ( getPbxmanPermission() )
> containing the name of the required sub-permission for the page which is
> including it.  That way, the html could contain something like
> pbxmanPermission="pbxman-manage-cdr"...  If this way turns out to be cleaner
> and more flexible, I should probably go with that.

Yep, adding a permission param to Border sounds very good

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