So we switched successfully to sipXecs, which is stable and people are pretty 
impressed, but one issue we've run into is that although users can get their 
voicemails emailed to them, it's still in the system as well, so they have to 
still login to the VM system (or visit the website) and remove their voicemails 
from there, making the emails a little redundant. Our old system, sucky though 
it was, had an option to remove them when it emailed them to the user - 
anything I'm doing wrong here? I can't find any checkbox to enable that 
functionality. If it's not there, is there any plan to add it to 4.6 or a 
future release? Or, is there a way for me to remove them after a period of time 
/ in batches?

  For more information text MA to 50555.
Chris Wiegand  |  Network Administrator  |  Mobile Accord
2150 West 29th Avenue  |  Second Floor  |  Denver, Colorado 80211 USA
t  +1.303.531.5505  |  m  +1.720.244.1409  |  f  +1.303.531.5509


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