On 2/1/2012 10:58 AM, Tony Graziano wrote:
> I have uploaded music on hold to a system for both MOH and Park. I
> have set the user to use "Use System Configuration".
> When a call is transferred they hear the MOH. When the user presses
> the HOLD button, no MOH is heard. When a call is parked they hear the
> correct MOH, but on timeout and during the "transfer back" process
> they hear the system (shipping) default MOH which is not what I think
> they should hear (I think they should hear the chosen MOH system file
> that was uploaded, and would normally hear during a transfer).
> Can anyone else confirm this behavior?
Are you sure your MOH is encoded properly?

Gerald Drouillard
Technology Architect
Drouillard&  Associates, Inc.

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