On Redundant server where I have my problem the "Recorded call events" are
older than 7 days even if in Sipxecs GUI " Purge age for CSEs" is set to
"7", I have checked on the second redundant server and older CSE are 7 days
older so it looks to be ok on this server, same case on primary it's ok.

So only one redundant server have trouble, all CSE are not sent properly to

Do I have to restart postgresql ?

Best Regards

2012/3/27 Cyril Constantin <cyril.constan...@gmail.com>

> Hi Guys,
> I have a Sipxecs primary and two redundant servers, when users are
> connected to one of the specific HA server all calls made by users are not
> logged to CDR table view_cdrs on primary server.
> When I go into CDR database of this HA server and check by doing request
> below I'm able to see all his calls but they doesn't look to be sent to
> Primary server:
> select * from call_state_events where event_time > '2012-03-26
> 00:00:00.000' and from_url like '%Stelly%';
> Do you have any idea to check what's happens on this HA server, a log file
> or postgresql request ?
> Sipxecs release 4.4.0- 2012-02-08EST09:10:08
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Best Regards.
> Cyril
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