Have not had the chance to do a trace but I did get their pcap.


On Wed, 09 May 2012 15:21:58 -0400, Matt White wrote:
> Perform a sipx-trace and it will show you what is responding 488.
> Sipxbridge can limit the codecs or the phone can limit the codec.
> -M
>>>> "m...@grounded.net" <m...@grounded.net> 05/09/12 2:52 PM >>>
> I thought I would start a new thread because this no longer has anything to
> do with ports and is an interesting problem.
> I have been having a problem with appia. We have one of their DID's
> installed, can make outgoing calls but incoming calls aren't working.
> I have a gateway set up for the trunk, using NONE as the template.
> We can make calls out and those work just fine.
> If we let the call ring, it goes to vm. If we pick up the call, the other
> end gets a dead line or a busy signal.
> The carrier in this case is verizon, through appia.
> The following are their findings at this point.
> //
> Verdal found that it appears the customers PBX is not accepting the calls
> as g729 and they are sending back a 488 Not Acceptable attaching pcap
> \\
> I'm not really sure what to investigate at my end. I believe sipx allows
> G.729 passthrough and the phone they are calling does have G.729 enabled.
> Not sure what else I can do at this end. Is this not something to do with
> the carrier and their not trying another codec so screwing the call?
> We also have flowroute and voip.ms sip trunks on the same system and both
> of those work fine in and out.
> Mike
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