I'm firing off a server to appia to try out their hosting. I think I'll just 
build a new box and migrate users over one at a time. 
We never did resolve an issue where DID's from them were not working but 
perhaps having the server on their network will help.

Also, I see the page you sent me but nothing to click on to see demo. I'll look 
again later.

Thanks for the info, I'll file this for later.


On Thu, 7 Jun 2012 22:22:12 -0400, Douglas Hubler wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 3:49 PM, m...@grounded.net <m...@grounded.net> wrote:
>> Why would it not be possible to build into sipx, a method by which users
>> could backup and restore onto newer versions.
>> Several times over the course of using sipx and having to upgrade, it has
>> been a rather painful process to go from one server to another. One of
>> the problems is the ssl certificates which many seem to have problems
>> with.
>> I am not 100% on this but, doesn't the backup process backup the ssl
>> stuff as well, so that if you try to restore it onto a new server, it
>> fails for various reasons? Not sure, it's been a while because these
>> days, when there is an update, I prefer to build a new server, and slowly
>> move people over, one at a time.
> In 4.6 ssl certs are only used for external facing systems, SIP
> proxy/bridge for TLS and Apache for web interface.  So if you restore
> into a system w/different domain, only those things break which not
> that critical to system operation.
> Internally we use SSL keys w/o domain names attached just for
> public/private key pair.  They are not backed up with the system, in
> fact if you're moving, you shouldn't transfer them.
>> I was wondering if restoring onto new versions might be something that
>> developers would be willing to give some thought to, in order to make
>> upgrades less difficult on some of us who use sipx regularly but aren't
>> guru's on it.
>> Will it be possible for example to backup 4.4.0 to restore it onto the
>> new version coming?
> yes, you can restore from 4.4, and bonus, while restoring you can
> change domain name.  IP address and FQDN will be automatically fixed.
> http://youtu.be/SJVmtNEowrM
> About 22min in you'll see demo of restore 4.4 into 4.6.  I'll give a
> more elaborate demo using the web ui at the end of this month.  Feel
> free to vote up that topic.
> http://goo.gl/mod/uPQl
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