The backup was from 4.4.

I have the SNTP sever set to the default under System > Date and Time.

I just went to devices > phones  and clicked on the phone then went to the
"SNTP" Link.  The url was:,$phone$PhoneNavigation.$setting$SettingsNavigation.settingsLink.sdirect?sp=1&sp=StcpIpApp.sntp&state:phone/EditPhone=BrO0ABXcnAAAAAQEADiRjb21tb24kQm9yZGVyABBpbml0aWFsU2Vzc2lvbklkdAANNXE2OXJyOWg4ZHZudg%3D%3D

I received an error "An internal error has occurred. Click here to
continue." All red text nothing else on the screen.

I will check the jira for a polycom issue.

-Bryan Anderson

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Tony Graziano <
> wrote:

> No real services are enabled by default. That's "normal".
> When you restored from backup did you restart the server? If the backup
> was from a prior version also it may not work due to the way passwords were
> stored and encrypted with the domain.
> You might check the jira for the poly com issue and open a case for that.
> If it isn't picking up NTP where is the NTP? Is it enabled?
> Homer is being worked on.
> On Jul 25, 2012 5:21 PM, "Bryan Anderson" <> wrote:
>> I installed SipXecs 4.6.0 yesterday and have updated it using yum.
>> Currently I am running 4.6.0. 2012-07-25EDT11:07:42
>> ip-10-72-43-110.ec2.internal.
>> The wiki says to send the experiences so here are mine so far:
>> When I first installed next to nothing was enabled for services.  I guess
>> that is to be expected?
>> When I restored from a backup I lost access to the superadmin account and
>> had to clear the password in the database to get back in.
>> I receive a failed job when generating phone profiles:
>> Projection for: 0004f22a38de
>> 7/25/12 2:04 PM 7/25/12 2:04 PM Failed  Invocation of method 'getValue'
>> in class org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.setting.ConditionalSettingImpl threw
>> exception org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException:
>> Incorrect result size: expected 1, actual 2 @
>> polycom/mac-address.d/sip.cfg.vm[413,56]
>> My phone will boot and register with the system no problem, but isn't
>> picking up the NTP server.  I can get to IVR and make and receive call no
>> problem.
>> I have seen that it's stated homer is having issues.  I can get to the
>> web interface and login without fault.  The interface look easy to use, but
>> I am not capturing any data into the MySQL database.  I looked at my logs
>> and have seen the same error over and over
>> "2012-07-25T21:17:02.562422Z""StateQueueClient::signin
>> Type=watcher SIGNIN"
>> "2012-07-25T21:17:02.563328Z""StateQueueClient::eventLoop
>> Is unable to SIGN IN to SQA service"
>> I hope some of this may be helpful.
>> Aside from that I am enjoying what I am seeing so far and look forward to
>> the final release.
>> -Bryan Anderson
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