On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 12:03 PM, Михаил Родионов <ma...@siplabs.ru> wrote:
> Isn't it a good time for something kinda "sipXforge" site to appear? :) I
> also dream about "marketplace" because we would like to earn on
> sipX/openUC-"ecosystem"-compatible addon solutions :)

This would be awesome. I was thinking once we get a critical mass of
add ons, then a little market place might make sense, but I wouldn't
stops folks from spending their time on one.

Framework is now in place to build addons but there's no
documentation. Until then you can look at some of these projects

Few example projects:


Or really any of the sipX* projects in the main git repo but just put
your files into separate repo.  sipXexample is a good example.

Plugins need to comply with sipxecs license however if you build a
standalone service running in it's own memory space, you can do
whatever you want.

Karel can take their source and develop it in house, but whatever
source that's available in github can be adapted as long as it
complies with license.
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