Or add as domain alias ?


On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Joegen Baclor <jbac...@ezuce.com> wrote:

>  The answer is staring us right on the face Tony.  The INVITE is towards
> sip:69143662@ and not the domain.  The proxy thinks it's
> routing out so it uses the external IP.  Configure the calling UA to use
> domain.
> On 08/28/2012 08:14 PM, Tony Graziano wrote:
> This might seem off target, but help me understand how the UA is
> communicating with the proxy...
>  First, I have to say the eyebeam UA is VERY old and trying to
> troubleshoot against it is problematic to say the least.
>  Can you provide a sip trace with a single call instead of pcap? At the
> ITSP the port is 18402, at the UA it is 30498. I think it would be easier
> to follow and understand with a sip trace in this instance.
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 7:25 AM, Sven Evensen <sven.even...@onrelay.com>wrote:
>> We have one system (4.4 in EC2) which uses sipxBridge and an other
>> similar one which uses unmanaged gateway.
>>  Incoming INVITE to these two system show different behavior when the
>> INVITE goes from sipxProxy and further in to the system where the UA is
>> really our server on port 5560. Our server relays calls out to mobile
>> phones.
>>  The first INVITE below is with sipxbridge (sdp removed) shows how the
>> INVITE uses the FQDN and the VIA uses internal IP of sipx
>> The second shows the INVITE use external IP of sipx and the VIA also uses
>> external IP of sipx. This propagates into the system and causes problems on
>> the final ACK as seen on in attached pcap in line 76, this I believe stops
>> media from being relayed.
>>  *1871 19.774448 54532 5070 SIP/SDP Request: INVITE
>> sip:2079028...@ec2-50-18-193-48.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com*
>> INVITE sip:2079028...@ec2-50-18-193-48.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.comSIP/2.0
>>  Record-Route: <sip:;lr>
>> Route: <sip:ec2-50-18-193-48.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:5070
>> ;transport=tcp;lr>
>> Call-Id: bee104006623-503c84f6-2cae7b74-1d175788-72cafc2@
>> Cseq: 17965 INVITE
>> From: <sip:02083994301@>;tag=787762526
>> To: <sip:442079028...@ec2-50-18-193-48.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com>
>>  Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK-XX-2aaeiUlgRYKle1rNjQIwZC5nnw
>> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
>> ;branch=z9hG4bK246b613edf92e02fcf8bed5fda63e0f33533;sipxecs-id=41a42656
>> Max-Forwards: 20
>> User-Agent: sipXecs/4.4.0 sipXecs/sipxbridge (Linux)
>> References: bee104006623-503c84f6-2cae7b74-1d175788-72cafc2@
>> ;rel=chain;sipxecs-tag=request-invite-z9hg4bk312.e7b1a027.0
>> Contact: 
>> <sip:2079028123@;x-sipX-nonat><sip:2079028123@;x-sipX-nonat>
>> Content-Type: application/sdp
>> Supported: replaces,100rel
>> Content-Length: 179
>> Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 08:44:38 GMT
>> X-Sipx-Spiral: true
>>  *1382 9.460933 37326 5070 SIP/SDP Request: INVITE
>> sip:69143662@,*
>>  INVITE sip:69143662@ SIP/2.0
>> Record-Route: <sip:;lr>
>> Route: <sip:ec2-176-34-141-24.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:5070
>> ;transport=tcp;lr>
>> Via: SIP/2.0/TCP
>> ;branch=z9hG4bK-XX-0182be3pQ05krfO`9nTh52Amwg
>> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK72c9e972;rport=5060
>> From: "+442083994301" <sip:+442083994301@>;tag=as2ba8402f
>> To: <sip:69143662@>
>> Contact: <sip:+442083994301@;x-sipX-nonat>
>> Call-Id: 6fa600876b5a3a5e7ed3582d3f3d4848@
>> Cseq: 102 INVITE
>> User-Agent: CME VoIP PBX
>> Max-Forwards: 20
>> Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 08:24:09 GMT
>> Supported: replaces
>> Content-Type: application/sdp
>> Content-Length: 236
>> X-Sipx-Spiral: true
>>  --
>> *Sven Evensen, Operations Consultant*
>> *OnRelay*
>> Elizabeth House │ 39 York Road, London SE1 7NQ, UK │ +44 (0) 207 902 8123│
>> mailto:sven.even...@onrelay.com <sven.even...@onrelay.com> │
>> www.onrelay.com
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>> distribution or use of the contents of this information or any attachment,
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>> please notify us immediately by electronic mail (i...@onrelay.com) and
>> delete this message, along with any attachments, from your computer.
>> Registered in England No 04006093 ¦ Registered Office 1st Floor, 236 Gray's
>> Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB
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>  --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Tony Graziano, Manager
> Telephone: 434.984.8430
> sip: tgrazi...@voice.myitdepartment.net
> Fax: 434.465.6833
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Linked-In Profile:
> http://www.linkedin.com/pub/tony-graziano/14/4a6/7a4
> Ask about our Internet Fax services!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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