On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 11:22 PM,  <andrewpit...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Right, it uploaded fine and didn't give me any errors.  I guess what I
> needed to know is can I restore sipxecs 4.4.0 voicemail to an openuc 4.6.0
> system?
> If I run openucivr-archive...
> [root@sipx01 ~]# /usr/bin/openucivr-archive --restore
> /var/sipxdata/backup/local/201209131417/voicemail.tar.gz --verbose
> tar -tzf /var/sipxdata/backup/local/201209131417/voicemail.tar.gz version
> version
> /etc/init.d/sipxivr stop
> Stopping sipxivr:                                          [FAILED]
> tar -zxvf /var/sipxdata/backup/local/201209131417/voicemail.tar.gz -C /tmp
> dump
> tar: dump: Not found in archive
> tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
> /usr/bin/openucivr-archive:55:in `run': Failed to extract voicemail database
> from archive (RuntimeError)
>         from /usr/bin/openucivr-archive:112
> [root@sipx01 ~]#
> Which makes sense because the tarball doesn't contain dump/vmdb/*bson as it
> expects.
> If I run sipxivr-archive...
> [root@sipx01 ~]# /usr/bin/sipxivr-archive --restore
> /var/sipxdata/backup/local/201209131417/voicemail.tar.gz --verbose
> tar -tzf /var/sipxdata/backup/local/201209131417/voicemail.tar.gz version
> version
> /etc/init.d/sipxivr stop
> Stopping sipxivr:                                          [FAILED]
> tar -xz --exclude=version -C /var/sipxdata/../.. -f
> /var/sipxdata/backup/local/201209131417/voicemail.tar.gz
> /etc/init.d/sipxivr start                                      [  OK  ]
> [root@sipx01 ~]# find /var -type f -name '*wav'
> /var/sipxdata/mediaserver/data/mailstore/6128/inbox/00000191-FW.wav
> /var/sipxdata/mediaserver/data/mailstore/6128/inbox/00000191-01.wav
> /var/sipxdata/mediaserver/data/mailstore/6128/inbox/00000191-00.wav
> /var/sipxdata/mediaserver/data/mailstore/6243/inbox/00000306-01.wav
> ...

Andy, That's an openUC realted issue I am currently working on,
voicemails are not migrated from filesystem to GridFS. It's in
internal tracker so you cannot see it here

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