Just thought I'd give an update on updating the jain-sip

I've put this latest jain-sip in production on 3 system for several weeks now.  
One 4.2.1 and the other 2 are 4.4

They are working fine and there is no useability issues.  However the sipxrest 
java process pegs at 100%.

Our systems are multi-core so it doesnt affect system usage.

Setting the call control logs to debug dont show any additional detail.

Is there a good way to debug the sipxrest process.


>>> Matt White 08/13/12 12:14 PM >>>
Thanks, you just answered the questions in my last reply!


>>> "M. Ranganathan" <mra...@gmail.com> 08/13/12 11:57 AM >>>
Attached is a jar file for jain-sip. Replace the jar and tested it out
before posting traces please.

Don't be too nervous - you can always revert.

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