On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 5:24 PM, Gerald Drouillard
<gerryl...@drouillard.ca> wrote:
> On 9/27/2012 10:07 AM, darthzejdr wrote:
> I'm trying to get clustering to work, but i have some problems. Some calls
> work, while others don't. I think that the ones that work are people
> registered on main server. I thinkDoes anyone have any idea what might the
> problem be, and how to fix it? I have sip registrar and dns working on both
> servers, and they can ping eachther by name.
> I also tried disabling the firewall, and i get accept all, but on secondary
> server it's still running. Tried send profiles, rebooting server, and
> restarting iptables. Didn't help.
> From what i managed to pull out, i'm loosing registrations on secondary
> server, and the server is not forwarding invites to server 1.
> Without a log or a packet capture we can only guess.  My guess is that there
> are a few bugs in the registration in 4.4 and 4.6 at the moment that they
> are working on.

Right, please provide snapshot. Also, could you do a

service sipxsupervisor restart

on secondary and see if iptables rules applied after?

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