On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 9:19 AM, James M. Jones <ja...@insyspro.com> wrote:

> Good Day,****
> ** **
> I’m currently working with version I’ve installed it on an older
> Dell Dimension C521 with an AMD Athlon Processor (64X2 Dual Core, 1.9GHZ)
> and 3GB of RAM. ****
> ** **
> The installation works fine and upon completion, I can access the GUI and
> start the initial configuration, but shortly after, the system will crash.
> I’ve left the system at the initial configuration after installation (Only
> changed the superadmin password), but it will still crash. If I’m directly
> connected to the box, the screen becomes unreadable or goes blank. Upon
> restart, the system freezes and the screen goes blank when it tries to load
> udep.****
> ** **
> I’ve reinstalled it 4 times now without errors. I’ve just recently started
> working with SIPXEC and any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

- use sipxecs 4.6. it's more stable in this regard.
- for an issue like this, report full system details: CPU, disk, RAM, ....
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