In the past, I've used a plugin to provide a User Summary Page for sipxecs.
It is needing to be rewritten, and I'm looking for comments as to whether it
should be included in the core software for all to have access to, or as a
plugin that would only be available if you drop it into your installation.


The summary page pulls configuration information for the system as a whole
onto one summary page, so you can look up IP addresses, gateway names,
number of users, number of groups, voicemail express code, paging codes,
etc. onto one page.  It also adds a small editor to the bottom of the page
for entering information about customization, troubleshooting steps taken,


Personally, I find it invaluable for my own use.    I'm looking for comment
as to if people would like to see that in the system as a standard feature,
or if they prefer it be a plugin.


Additionally, I have created links to run logrotate and merge-logs from menu
options under the diagnostics menu.  These are handy if you can't access the
server remotely and need to rotate out the logs, run a scenario and then
capture it.   Merge-logs creates a download file link.  I can offer that as
a plugin for 4.4 now if you would like it, just email me and I'll provide
the plugin.  I'm hesitant to put it on the wiki, as there are a few items on
it that don't work well, but don't create issues.  


One last item - there is a siptapi application that works well for click to
call of outlook contacts with sipxecs.  I have created 32 bit and 64 bit msi
files for these that simplify the installation of them.  If interested, I'm
happy to share these.   The plugin I have provides links to these files so
they can be downloaded from the superadmin page.



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