On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 9:47 AM, Aaron Pursell <aar...@esgw.org> wrote:
> Nothing responds on 5308, stopped iptables on both boxes, same outcome. I've
> attached the nofork output.

Here are the telling lines

cf3>  !! Could not examine file
"/etc/sipxpbx/sipxsupervisor-allowed-addrs.ini" in readfile
cf3>  !!! System error for stat: "No such file or directory"
cf3>  !! Could not examine file
"/etc/sipxpbx/sipxsupervisor-allowed-users.ini" in readfile
cf3>  !!! System error for stat: "No such file or directory"

These files are created as part of setup, something must have went
silently wrong with sipxecs-setup on the secondary node.  On the
secondary node (, try

   sipxecs-setup --reset-all --verbose

and send output.
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