I had a server that needed to be rebuilt yesterday with 4.4.  I ran a backup
of voicemail and configuration, rebuilt the server, but had an error when
trying to restore the voicemail.    Don't have exact error, but it was
complaining the file was too large.  And it was big, about 1.2 tb.


Suspect this was the wrong thing to do now, but here is what I did.  I
unzipped the gz file to a tar file, and then opened the tar file to a temp
folder.  I then created the mailstore folder and copied the voicemails into


So, I got my personal greetings to play in the voicemail boxes, but users
are unable to delete messages in voicemail now.  Error in sipstatus.log says
invalid nonce.


I'm thinking of deleting old emails in the mailstore, recreating a new gz
file and trying to restore that smaller file.   Anyone see any issues with

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