Two things can cause this.

1.  You have a port scanner scanning your TCP ports.
2. You have a remote connection attempting to connect as using an unsupported version of SSL (TLSv1, SSLV2, SSLV3). I have checked sipXportLib ssl implementation and we are configured to support all three so this makes it unlikely.

For further reading:

On 11/06/2012 05:50 AM, Tony Graziano wrote:
I am seeing the following message within the rls logs:

sipxrls:"OsSSLServerSocket SSL_accept SSL handshake error:\n SSL error: 1 'error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)'" sipxrls:"OsSSLServerSocket SSL_accept SSL handshake error:\n SSL error: 336027900 'error:140760FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:unknown protocol'" sipxrls:"SipPublishContentMgr::getContent no container found for key 'sip:~~rl~C~~~id~xmpprlsclient...

(as is relates to the RLS component)

So I am wondering if someone can explain what the "unknown protocol" means in this instance. The certificate was created in the exact way it should have, by the system, one time at startup. I see presenceserver says disabled but shows "running" in sipxconfig and if I start manually via sipxproc it stays "running" (no change in sipxconfig).

I then tried to disable TLS and that broke nat traversal rules and failed to start proxy, so that did not help.

I tried deleting the tmp imdb.* files and restarting presence from sipxconfig but that did not help. The ownership of the files and sizes look accurate (they were recreated when I restarted presence manually).

So this is SOLVED as far as the CPU level is concerned. I found a device that has not been reconfigured (a valcom paging gateway) that is essentially trying to register without an account, and the registrar logs show 50-100 per minute (attempts).

I still think there is an SSL issue. Does anyone have any ideas on how to figure this out?

On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 2:16 PM, Tony Graziano < <>> wrote:

    I am looking at a strange issue with a system which had a drive
    failure. We replaced the drive and reloaded (did not restore) the
    system, then updated it to the latest update. We see the proxy
    staying steady at 10% CPU, with not active calls or transactions.
    It is a basic system with trunking and 12 phones, there should not
    be such a load.

    I have sent the server its profiles. I have restarted the system.
    There is no memory or swap memory issue. I have reviewed the
    configuration and all of the speeddials and registrations.

    The first thing I noticed is that noone was able to place outbound
    calls easily, then when I started looking into it I checked user
    speeddials, presense and overall configuration and hardware
    functionality. I still see no issues except that the sipXproxy is
    taking up "enormous" CPU time. There are 12 phones and a total of
    24 subscriptions. Does anyone else have an install similar and can
    verify whether they are seeing this or not?
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Tony Graziano, Manager
    Telephone: 434.984.8430
    Fax: 434.465.6833
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