
I've got a question about Call forwarding in SipXecs. The following situation 

User 1111 has the following call forwardings
1. Call 1111 for 20 seconds
2. Call 2222 for 20 seconds
3. Call 3333 for 20 seconds
4. Go to voicemail

User 2222 has the following call forwardings:
1. Call 2222 for 20 seconds
2. Call 4444 for 20 seconds
3. Go to voicemail

0612345678 calls User 1111. User 1111 is on DND so doesnt answer. Call gets 
forwarded to 2222.
2222 is also on DND. Now the call stays in the the Call forwardings of User 
2222 --> Call now gets forwarded to 4444. 4444 answers.

So the 'problem' is that the call will never get forwarded to 3333, nor the 
voicemail of user 1111. I dont know if this is expected behaviour within 
SipXecs. Mabye you guys can shine some light on this?

Kind regards,
Met vriendelijke groet,

Elwin Formsma
Telecats BV
Elwin Formsma | Telecats bv | KvK Enschede 06069106 | Tel:   053 488 99 44 | 
Fax: 053 488 99 10 | E-mail: e.form...@telecats.nl |

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