I'm having a hard time trying to update a certificate in my setup with two

 - Primary server has all the roles, but ACD
 - Secondary server has only ACD role

I have read both wiki pages:


and tried the /usr/bin/ssl-cert/gen-ssl-keys.sh script as described by the
wiki. Everything is fine on primary but the certs on the second never gets
updated. I've already tried Sending profiles on System->Servers->
<secondary server FQDN> and didn't work.

On primary, if I try sipxproc -n <fqdn of secondary> I receive:
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:586:in `connect': certificate verify failed

At this point, I can't update any configuration on the secondary - in this
case, ACD settings, cause RPCs will fail on the SSL.

How is the correct way to update certificates on all servers? Is the
removal/re-adding the secondary server the only way to reconfigure SSL on

What else do I need to check in both servers to find what's wrong.

Thanks in advance.

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