Proof may be in the pudding as you iterate thru a translation exercise.

This tool relies on english properties files not having too many
obsolete entries.  A whole other problem that need tackling someday,
but we don't have to worry about that now.

On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 5:08 AM, Domenico Chierico
<> wrote:
> In this days I start working on an helper tool for localization.
> The basic idea is to collect all missing keys, that need to be translated,
> into a single file on which  translator can work, later the script add the
> translated keys into the right file.
> For this I've written a little tool (not final) that gives an example of how
> the things should work.
> You can use the tool for scanning the tree for the properties files and
> match each file against the translations tree, the missing keys are appended
> (with english text) to a file named "". For this step you
> should run the script like this:
> ./localization_helper -l it (for italian)
> so you work on translating the keys or deleting the
> unwanted ones. for apply all the remaining keys you must run:
> ./localization_helper
> Now the script works just on sipXconfig and we should improve the code that
> find the properties file and some other details.
> before actual applying the keys you could run:
> ./localization_helper -s
> that simulating the action will show you which key and where it will be
> applied
> I'm not an expert about the translation work, so i wish to know what do you
> think about it and if you consider this a valid help.
> Thanks
> Domenico Chierico
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