On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 12:21 PM, Kyle Haefner
<kyle.haef...@colostate.edu> wrote:
> Keep in mind that upgrades tend to replace these files.
> George: Any recommendations for making permanent changes to cf-input files?

if the snmptrapd cf script shuts down and service it didn't start then
it's a bug and we should fix it upstream.

if you drop a new file into


and add

bundle agent  foo {
      "hello world";

then sipxecs will not touch it.  In this foo.cf script, you have
access to all sorts of variables and flags and can add/override many

We could mark *.cf files as "Configuration" files according to rpm
spec and yum upgrades would not replace them, but I feel that's a
little dangerous. Comments?
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