On 04/03/2010 09:00 PM, Lucas Gomes Mello wrote:
> Hello,
> I wonder how is the development and maintenance of the SI. the latest
> version is 2008, the project continue?
> Lucas Mello

I too was wondering what the status is.

I am currently using System Imager to support systems with Red Hat and 
Ubuntu servers and several Ubuntu 8.04 clients.  I plan to migrate the 
Ubuntu servers/clients to Ubuntu 10.04 BUT they use grub2.

Is it viable to continue using System Imager?

I *might* be able to help some but with no traffic/feedback/guidance I 
am afraid I would just be either reinventing a wheel already in 
production or messing things up.

Should we all be looking for a replacement?

Please let us know if the project is ongoing and what, if anything, we 
can do to help.

R.Parr, RHCE, Temporal Arts

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