Dear all,

I'm trying the new release of system imager but I have the following situation.
I'm working on systems with 2x Intel E5-2620 each and CentOS 6.3 
(2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64) with ext3 filesystem.
The initial process of image retrieval is fine, but as soon as the client 
starts to do the netboot from the master node and before the retrieving of all 
the image files, I have the following message from the shell:

Microcode: CPU1 sig=0x206d7, pf=0x1, revision 0x702
Platform microcode: firmware: requesting intel-ucode/06-2d-07

24 times and it takes like 30-40 minutes to complete and start the imaging 
This situation happens only when I try to install systems using system imager 
netboot (if I install a node using an install server or a dvd everything is 
good) and when I use CentOS 6.3 and also 6.2.
Does anyone know how to fix this?

Any help or suggestion will be really appreciated.

Best regards

Ing. Francesca Tartaglione
Technical Marketing Engineer
E4 Computer Engineering Spa
Switchboard: +39 0522 991811 . Fax: +39 0522 991803

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