
On Mon, Aug 15, 2005 at 08:35:47AM -0400, Shiling Ding wrote:
> df: warning can't read table of mounted filesystems.
>  Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.
>  Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.
That does seem the same. Is it within the chroot /a/ environment?
Try putting shellout instead of reboot at the end of the masterscript,
so that you can investigate this.

> After reboot, the grub is installed fine, but DHCP is not configure as
> systemconfigurator specified, imaged computer is using static IP of the
> golden client.
Strange. Are you sure during the getimage command you chose DHCP and not
static or something else? I recall three choices there, one being a
simple backup which would keep the golden client's settings.

> Golden Client: linux 2.6.11-gentoo-r3, systemconfigurator 2.0.9,
My problem was udev (since Ubuntu is 2.6 kernel with udev) related.
My systemconfigurator is slightly newer: 2.0.10-1 (ubuntu)

> systemimager 3.4.1.
My systemimager is 3.2.3-3 (ubuntu)

> Imager Server: fc4, systemimager 3.4.1.
Image server: debian, systemimamger 3.2.3

> Initially I have the /boot not found failed since I have /boot in it's
> own partition, I was able to get it working after change the / /boot
> order in the master script after reading this list. 
I thought it was that but seem to have overcome this - my boot and root
are still separate.

   /V\     Jan Groenewald
  /( )\    www.aims.ac.za

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