Bernard Li <> wrote on 2009/07/09 15:36:21:

> Hi Jim:

> On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 1:10 PM, jimi o'beirne<> 

> > Thank you. Unfortunately, I don't think moving my entire /var/lib dir 
to the
> > external hard drive is an option I'd like to take on. Far too much 
> > data within that directory. Seems a shame we can't just point 
> > to whatever directory we want to save the image to.

> I was suggesting that you mount /var/lib/systemimager/images somewhere
> else, not the entire /var/lib directory.

> Alternatively, sounds like what MIke suggested is an easier way to get
> around your issue.

I have /var/lib/systemimager as a symbolic link to my external array 

> > More; the system I am trying to image is a Dell XPS 710 Ubuntu Jaunty
> > w/software RAID controlling 2x 500G drives which house the Ubuntu 
> > Additionally, it has 2x NVidia GeForce 8800's, another graphics 
> > card, Soundblaster 5.1 surround sound card, etc so this thing is a 
bear to
> > have to reinstall with all the different config changes/edits I have 
to do
> > to get everything running. Because of the NVidia software RAID, I have 
> > use the alternate CD to install the OS, and that also means that all 
of the
> > other clone/ghost software I have found does not support the software 
> > I can't even use a Live CD to do dd as it won't see the RAID drives. 
> > the challenge. I haven't even found a truly decent backup program to 
> > imaging the system either. I'm just tired of having to rebuild this 
> > from scratch every time something goes awry. The last time a week ago 
was an
> > update that toasted my video config and I couldn't get the custom 
> > to take so had to flatten it and rebuild again, (which I have done 
over the
> > last 6 months no less than a dozen times!)

> Instead of using Nvidia's software raid, how about using md?  Would
> that be possible?  SystemImager in theory could setup software raid
> using md for you, however, I don't typically use si_getimage so I
> don't know how well it would detect your raid and put it in the
> autoinstallscript.

> Cheers,

> Bernard

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