Second attempt after the first one bounced due to size ...

David K Livingstone
CN Signals and Communications
10229 127 Avenue floor 2
Walker Operations East Building
Edmonton, AB, T5E 0B9
Ph  : 780 472-3959 Fax : 780 472-3046
----- Forwarded by David Livingstone/LIVING03/CNR/CA on 2013/01/24 09:34 

David Livingstone/LIVING03/CNR/CA
2013/01/24 09:03
Fw: [sisuite-users] systemimager-4.3.0-0.3 (kernel 3.7.2, hpsa, bnx2, ...) 
(For testing purpose).


Just received a reply from the list saying the post exceeded the limit and 
it needs to be approved by the moderator ...
In the meantime her is the post sent directly to you !

I was running out the door last night when I posted and forgot to answer 
your question :

- I included the rsync -L option(as described below with a snippet from my 
original post)  because
  unfortunately this is the default result when applying the HP 
spp(firmware and driver updates) to an HPserver.
  The first time an spp is applied to a server the HP updated driver is 
applied correctly to the /lib/modules/kernel
  tree. If you subsequently upgrade your kernel and then apply an spp 
again then the a link is made rather
 then the module being copied(as shown below). Yes I could fight HP/redhat 
on this however I don't
have the time or energy ...

     - Needed modules(ie hpsa) as symbolic links  under 
/lib/modules/(uname -r) 
[root@scdev ~]# ls -al 
0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 50 Mar  5 04:05 
/lib/modules/2.6.32-220.4.2.el6.i686/weak-updates/hpsa/hpsa.ko -> 
[root@scdev ~]# 
        This results in the modules not being copied correctly in the 
generated initrd.
         I resolved this by modifying the rsync 
         to copy the resultant files(the L rather then the l option. I 
include the diff 

David K Livingstone
CN Signals and Communications
10229 127 Avenue floor 2
Walker Operations East Building
Edmonton, AB, T5E 0B9
Ph  : 780 472-3959 Fax : 780 472-3046
----- Forwarded by David Livingstone/LIVING03/CNR/CA on 2013/01/24 08:51 

David Livingstone/LIVING03/CNR/CA
2013/01/23 16:51
Re: [sisuite-users] systemimager-4.3.0-0.3 (kernel 3.7.2, hpsa, bnx2, ...) 
(For testing purpose).


I just attempted to load an x86_64 machine using your previous build with 
my changes applied as described in my email below. I haven't 
yet had a chance to look at your new build.

- I attempted a boot using the standard kernel/initd and :
   - the dhclient DEVICE failed. Later in the shell with "dhclient -v 
eth1) it turns out the interface was not up. After doing a "ifconfig eth1 
     the dhclinet eth1 is now is successful however now it attempts to 
write the lease into /var/db/dhclient.leases rather then 
     the expected /var/state/dhcp/...  Did you ever get a dhclient boot to 
work ?
  - also during booting requested firmware was hanging ie netxen_nic:...: 
firmware: requesting phanfw.bin
    See below with uyok.
   - I eventually tried setting all the IP parameters and IMAGESERVER in 
the pxelinux.cfg  file which
     bypasses dhclient. At this point we now fail because there is no hpsa 
module loaded and no 
     disks are visible.
-The uyok load fails as once again numerous firmware files fail to load. 
This problem did not happen
  with my initial test setup using the 4.1.99.svn4556_bli-1 packages but 
does with 4.3.0-0.2.el6. 
  In this case the firmware files are in the initrd however what appears 
to have changed is
  that the firmware loading code changed from a shell script ( 
to a binary.


 The  4.1.99.svn4556_bli-1 package 
 has :
[root@nasedm udev]# pwd
[root@nasedm udev]# ls
total 132
12 ata_id*     8 collect*                12 edd_id*       12 path_id*    
24 scsi_id*  12 vol_id*           4 write_net_rules*
 8 cdrom_id*  12 create_floppy_devices*   4*   4 
rule_generator.functions  16 usb_id*    4 write_cd_rules*
[root@nasedm udev]#

And the systemimager-x86_64initrd_template-4.3.0-0.2.el6.noarch has :
[root@wild1 udev]# pwd
[root@wild1 udev]# ls
total 356
24 ata_id*    12 collect*                20 edd_id*    20 fstab_import* 36 
path_id*  40 usb_id*   4 write_cd_rules*
36 cdrom_id*  44 create_floppy_devices*  44 firmware*  32 input_id* 32 
scsi_id*   8 v4l_id*   4 write_net_rules*
[root@wild1 udev]#

The original is invoked in the 

[root@nasedm udev]# rpm -qf 
[root@nasedm udev]# cd 
[root@nasedm rules.d]# ls
total 56
4 00-init.rules     4 30-cdrom_id.rules  4 61-persistent-storage-edd.rules 
 4 75-cd-aliases-generator.rules      4 90-modprobe.rules
4 05-options.rules  4 60-cdrom_id.rules  4 65-persistent-input.rules  4 
75-persistent-net-generator.rules  4 99-udevmonitor.rules
4 20-names.rules    4 60-symlinks.rules  4 65-persistent-storage.rules  4 
[root@nasedm rules.d]# grep -i firmw *
80-programs.rules:# firmware class requests
80-programs.rules:SUBSYSTEM=="firmware", ACTION=="add", 

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