Author: buildbot
Date: Mon Mar 20 20:20:20 2017
New Revision: 1008709

Staging update by buildbot for maven

    websites/staging/maven/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/maven/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Mon Mar 20 20:20:20 2017
@@ -1 +1 @@

--- websites/staging/maven/trunk/content/docs/3.5.0-beta-1/release-notes.html 
+++ websites/staging/maven/trunk/content/docs/3.5.0-beta-1/release-notes.html 
Mon Mar 20 20:20:20 2017
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
 <p>Replaced Eclipse Aether with <a href="/">Maven 
Resolver</a>  [MNG-6110], [MNG-6140].</p></li>
-<p>Using of CI friendly versions via <tt>${revision}</tt>, <tt>${sha1}</tt> 
and/or <tt>${changelist}</tt>  has been fixed <a class="externalLink" 
href="";>MNG-6057</a>, <a 
href="";>MNG-6090</a> and <a 
href="";>MNG-5895</a>. It is very 
important to  know if you are using the previously named properties for a 
version in your  pom you have to use <a class="externalLink" 
if you like to do an <tt>mvn install</tt>  or <tt>mvn deploy</tt>.</p></li>
+<p>Using of CI friendly versions via <tt>${revision}</tt>, <tt>${sha1}</tt> 
and/or <tt>${changelist}</tt>  has been fixed <a class="externalLink" 
href="";>MNG-6057</a>, <a 
href="";>MNG-6090</a> and <a 
href="";>MNG-5895</a>. It is very 
important to  know if you are using the previously named properties for a 
version in your  pom you have to use <a class="externalLink" 
if you like to do an <tt>mvn install</tt>  or <tt>mvn deploy</tt> more details 
can be found at <a href="/maven-ci-friendly.html">Maven CI 
 <p>The two known issues from 3.5.0-alpha-1 have been fixed <a 
href="";>MNG-6177</a>, <a 

Added: websites/staging/maven/trunk/content/maven-ci-friendly.html
--- websites/staging/maven/trunk/content/maven-ci-friendly.html (added)
+++ websites/staging/maven/trunk/content/maven-ci-friendly.html Mon Mar 20 
20:20:20 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
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+<h1>Maven CI Friendly Versions</h1>
+<p>Starting with Maven 3.5.0-beta-1 you can use the <tt>${revision}</tt>, 
<tt>${sha1}</tt> and/or <tt>${changelist}</tt> as placeholders for the version 
in your pom file. </p>
+<div class="section">
+<h2><a name="Single_Project_Setup"></a>Single Project Setup</h2>
+<p>This can look like this:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint linenums">&lt;project&gt;
+  &lt;modelVersion&gt;4.0.0&lt;/modelVersion&gt;
+  &lt;parent&gt;
+    &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache&lt;/groupId&gt;
+    &lt;artifactId&gt;apache&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+    &lt;version&gt;18&lt;/version&gt;
+  &lt;/parent&gt;
+  &lt;groupId&gt;;/groupId&gt;
+  &lt;artifactId&gt;ci-parent&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+  &lt;name&gt;First CI Friendly&lt;/name&gt;
+  &lt;version&gt;${revision}&lt;/version&gt;
+  ...
+<p>This is of course a simple situation where we use only <tt>${revision}</tt> 
for brevity  to show the general course.</p>
+<p>Based on the above pom you can build your project using:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint linenums">mvn clean package
+<p>But wait there is a problem? Which version will the artifacts have? So you 
need  to define the version for your artifacts. The first possibility is to use 
the command  line like this:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint linenums">mvn 
-Drevision=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT clean package
+<p>This wil become cumbersome over the time. So the other solution for this is 
 to simply use a property inside the pom file which looks like this:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint linenums">&lt;project&gt;
+  &lt;modelVersion&gt;4.0.0&lt;/modelVersion&gt;
+  &lt;parent&gt;
+    &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache&lt;/groupId&gt;
+    &lt;artifactId&gt;apache&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+    &lt;version&gt;18&lt;/version&gt;
+  &lt;/parent&gt;
+  &lt;groupId&gt;;/groupId&gt;
+  &lt;artifactId&gt;ci-parent&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+  &lt;name&gt;First CI Friendly&lt;/name&gt;
+  &lt;version&gt;${revision}&lt;/version&gt;
+  ...
+  &lt;properties&gt;
+    &lt;revision&gt;1.0.0-SNAPSHOT&lt;/revision&gt;
+  &lt;/properties&gt;
+<p>So now you can simply call Maven as usual like <tt>mvn clean 
+<p>You can of course change the version via the command line like this:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint linenums">mvn 
-Drevision=2.0.0-SNAPSHOT clean package
+<p>Of cource you can use the <tt>.mvn/maven.config</tt> file for 
+<div class="section">
+<h2><a name="Multi_Module_Setup"></a>Multi Module Setup</h2>
+<p>So now let us take a look into a situation where we have a multi module  
build. We have a parent pom and one or more childs.  The parent pom will look 
like this:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint linenums">&lt;project&gt;
+  &lt;modelVersion&gt;4.0.0&lt;/modelVersion&gt;
+  &lt;parent&gt;
+    &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache&lt;/groupId&gt;
+    &lt;artifactId&gt;apache&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+    &lt;version&gt;18&lt;/version&gt;
+  &lt;/parent&gt;
+  &lt;groupId&gt;;/groupId&gt;
+  &lt;artifactId&gt;ci-parent&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+  &lt;name&gt;First CI Friendly&lt;/name&gt;
+  &lt;version&gt;${revision}&lt;/version&gt;
+  ...
+  &lt;properties&gt;
+    &lt;revision&gt;1.0.0-SNAPSHOT&lt;/revision&gt;
+  &lt;/properties&gt;
+  &lt;modules&gt;
+    &lt;module&gt;child1&lt;/module&gt;
+    ..
+  &lt;/modules&gt;
+<p>The child will look like this:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint linenums">&lt;project&gt;
+  &lt;modelVersion&gt;4.0.0&lt;/modelVersion&gt;
+  &lt;parent&gt;
+    &lt;groupId&gt;;/groupId&gt;
+    &lt;artifactId&gt;ci-parent&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+    &lt;version&gt;${revision}&lt;/version&gt;
+  &lt;/parent&gt;
+  &lt;groupId&gt;;/groupId&gt;
+  &lt;artifactId&gt;ci-child&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+   ...
+<p>A multi module build can of course build the same way as the single project 
setup. You should  define the version either via property in the parent or use 
the <tt>.mvn/maven.config</tt> file.</p></div>
+<div class="section">
+<h2><a name="Install__Deploy"></a>Install / Deploy</h2>
+<p>If you like to install or deploy artifacts by using the above setup you 
<b>have to use</b>  the <a class="externalLink" 
otherwise you will install/deploy artifacts  in your repository which will not 
be cosumable by older Maven versions. Such kind of setup  will look like 
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint linenums">&lt;project&gt;
+  &lt;modelVersion&gt;4.0.0&lt;/modelVersion&gt;
+  &lt;parent&gt;
+    &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache&lt;/groupId&gt;
+    &lt;artifactId&gt;apache&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+    &lt;version&gt;18&lt;/version&gt;
+  &lt;/parent&gt;
+  &lt;groupId&gt;;/groupId&gt;
+  &lt;artifactId&gt;ci-parent&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+  &lt;name&gt;First CI Friendly&lt;/name&gt;
+  &lt;version&gt;${revision}&lt;/version&gt;
+  ...
+  &lt;properties&gt;
+    &lt;revision&gt;1.0.0-SNAPSHOT&lt;/revision&gt;
+  &lt;/properties&gt;
+ &lt;build&gt;
+  &lt;plugins&gt;
+    &lt;plugin&gt;
+      &lt;groupId&gt;org.codehaus.mojo&lt;/groupId&gt;
+      &lt;artifactId&gt;flatten-maven-plugin&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+      &lt;version&gt;1.0.0&lt;/version&gt;
+      &lt;configuration&gt;
+        &lt;updatePomFile&gt;true&lt;/updatePomFile&gt;
+      &lt;/configuration&gt;
+      &lt;executions&gt;
+        &lt;execution&gt;
+          &lt;id&gt;flatten&lt;/id&gt;
+          &lt;phase&gt;process-resources&lt;/phase&gt;
+          &lt;goals&gt;
+            &lt;goal&gt;flatten&lt;/goal&gt;
+          &lt;/goals&gt;
+        &lt;/execution&gt;
+        &lt;execution&gt;
+          &lt;id&gt;flatten.clean&lt;/id&gt;
+          &lt;phase&gt;clean&lt;/phase&gt;
+          &lt;goals&gt;
+            &lt;goal&gt;clean&lt;/goal&gt;
+          &lt;/goals&gt;
+        &lt;/execution&gt;
+      &lt;/executions&gt;
+    &lt;/plugin&gt;
+  &lt;/plugins&gt;
+  &lt;/build&gt;
+  &lt;modules&gt;
+    &lt;module&gt;child1&lt;/module&gt;
+    ..
+  &lt;/modules&gt;
+        </div>
+      </div>
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