Malcolm and the music

                       | May 19th 2011                   

by Norman (Otis) Richmond aka Jalali

Malcolm X, loved then and now by the people, eulogized by Ossie Davis as our 
“Black Shining Prince” El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) was assassinated 46 
years ago, on Feb. 21, 1965, because of his attempt to internationalize the 
struggle of African people inside the United States. Malcolm was born 86 years 
ago on May 19, 1925. While U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama has acknowledged 
Kwanzaa, I doubt very seriously if he will show Malcolm the same love. 

Manning Marable’s new volume, “Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention,” has sparked a 
renewed interest and debate about Malcolm. Previous works like Karl Evanzz’ 
“The Judas Factor: The Plot to Kill Malcolm X,” Zak Kondo’s “Conspiracies: 
Unraveling the Assassination of Malcolm X” and Bill Sales’ “From Civil Rights 
to Black Liberation: Malcolm X and the Organization of Afro-American Unity” are 
all being reopened.

Contrary to popular belief, it was Malcolm, not Martin Luther King, who first 
opposed the war in Vietnam. Malcolm was the first American-born African leader 
of national prominence in the 1960s to condemn the war. He was later joined by 
organizations like the Revolutionary Action Movement, the Student Non-Violent 
Coordinating Committee and the League of Revolutionary Black Workers. This was 
in the tradition of David Walker, Henry Highland Garnet, Martin R. Delaney, 
Bishop Henry McNeil Turner, W.E.B. Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, Ella Baker and Paul 

Malcolm continued to link the struggles of African people worldwide. King came 
out against the Vietnam War in his famous April 4, 1967, speech at Riverside 
Church in New York City. Malcolm spoke against this war from the get-go.

Musicians have done their part to keep Malcolm’s legacy alive. Long before 
Spike Lee’s 1992 bio-pic, “X,” hip hop, house, reggae and R’n’B artists created 
music for Malcolm, high-life and great Black music (so-called jazz) artists 
first wrote and sang about Malcolm. The dance of Malcolm’s time was the “lindy 
hop,” and he was a master of it. “The Autobiography of Malcolm X,” which 
Malcolm wrote with the assistance of Alex Haley, gives a vivid description of 
his love of dancing.

Years later, on a visit to the West African nation of Ghana, Malcolm spoke of 
seeing Ghanaians dancing the high-life. He wrote: “The Ghanaians performed the 
high-life as if possessed. One pretty African girl sang ‘Blue Moon’ like Sarah 
Vaughan. Sometimes the band sounded like Charlie Parker.” Malcolm’s impact on 
Ghana was so great that one folk singer created a song in his honor called 
“Malcolm Man.”

After Malcolm’s death, many jazz artists recorded music in his memory. Among 
them, Leon Thomas recorded the song, “Malcolm’s Gone” on his “Spirits Known and 
Unknown” album; saxophonist-poet-playwright Archie Shepp recorded the poem, 
“Malcolm, Malcolm Semper Malcolm,” on his Fire Music album. Shepp drew 
parallels between Malcolm’s spoken words and John Coltrane’s music.

Said Shepp: “I equate Coltrane’s music very strongly with Malcolm’s language, 
because they were just about contemporaries, to tell you the truth. And I 
believe essentially what Malcolm said is what John played. If Trane had been a 
speaker, he might have spoken somewhat like Malcolm. If Malcolm had been a 
saxophone player, he might have played somewhat like Trane.”

Malcolm wrote: “The Ghanaians performed the high-life as if possessed. One 
pretty African girl sang ‘Blue Moon’ like Sarah Vaughan. Sometimes the band 
sounded like Charlie Parker.” Malcolm’s impact on Ghana was so great that one 
folk singer created a song in his honor called “Malcolm Man.”

Shortly before Malcolm’s death, he visited Toronto and appeared on CBC 
television with Pierre Berton. During the visit, Malcolm spent time with 
award-winning author Austin Clarke talking about politics and music. Time was 
too short to organize a community meeting, but a few lucky people gathered at 
Clarke’s home on Asquith Street. Clarke had interviewed Malcolm previously, in 
1963 in Harlem, when he was working for the CBC. Clarke recalled they “talked 
shop,” but also discussed the lighter things in life, like the fact that both 
their wives were named Betty.

It is not surprising that Malcolm made his way to Canada. His mother and 
father, Earl Little, met and married in Montréal at a Universal Negro 
Improvement Association (UNIA) convention. Both were followers of Marcus 
Garvey. His mother, Louise Langdon Norton, was born in Grenada but immigrated 
first to Halifax, Nova Scotia, and later to Montreal in 1917. Jan Carew’s book, 
“Ghosts in Our Blood: With Malcolm X in Africa, England, and the Caribbean,” 
documents this aspect of the life of the pan-Africanist.

While on a visit to Nigeria, Malcolm was given the name Omowale, which means in 
the Yoruba language, “the son who has come home.” It was in this period of his 
life that he visited Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Senegal, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, 
Ethiopia, Kenya, Guinea and Tanzania. It was during this period that he met 
with Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Julius K. Nyerere, Nnamoi Azikiwe, Sekou 
Toure, Jomo Kenyatta, Dr. Milton Obote, Abdul Rahman Muhammad Babu and others. 
During this visit he also met Ras Makonnen, a legendary pan-Africanist from 
Guyana, Richard Wright’s daughter Julie Wright, Maya Angelou, Shirley Graham Du 
Bois, the wife of W.E.B. Du Bois, and Chinese Ambassador Huang Ha.

It must be mentioned that Paul Robeson, W.E.B. Du Bois, his wife Shirley Graham 
Du Bois and Robert F. Williams all supported the 1949 Chinese revolution. 
Malcolm also was a huge supporter of the People’s Republic of China. He was 
delighted when China tested its first nuclear weapon.

Babu talked about the significance of this event at the Malcolm X: Radical 
Tradition and a Legacy of Struggle Conference in New York City in 1990.

In Nigeria, Malcolm was given the name Omowale, “the son who has come home.” 
This photo was taken in 1964. Says Babu: “When Malcolm X came to Tanzania, I 
took him to meet President (Julius) Nyerere on another historic date. Because 
that very day, China exploded her first nuclear bomb. And as we went to see 
Nyerere, Nyerere said, “Malcolm, for the first time today in recorded history, 
a former colony has been able to develop weapons at par with any colonial 
power. This is the end of colonialism through and through.” 

Malcolm was the chief organizer of the Nation of Islam and the founder of the 
group’s newspaper Muhammad Speaks. He split with the nation and its leader 
Elijah Muhammad in 1963. At the time of his death he headed two organizations. 
The secular group, the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU), was his 
political arm. He also organized the religious group, Muslim Mosque Inc. (MMI), 
which practiced Sunni Islam.

Today Islam is the second largest religion in the United States and Canada. 
Many credit Malcolm with helping spread Sunni Islam as well as revolutionary 
Black Nationalism and pan-Africanism among African people in the Western 

Like Augusto Cesar Sandino of Nicaragua or Sun Yat-sen of China, Malcolm was 
embraced by all sectors of the Black Nationalist and pan-Africanist movements. 
All Nationalists and Pan-Africanists claimed to follow his example. 
Revolutionary Nationalist groups like the Black Panther Party and the League of 
Revolutionary Black Workers emerged in the late 1960s, after Malcolm’s death. 
Even after the BPP and the League embraced Marxism, Malcolm was still their 
man. The cultural Nationalists who maintained that the cultural revolution must 
precede the political one also embraced Malcolm.

Fidel Castro was demonized when he came to New York City in October 1961 to 
speak at the United Nations, but he felt safe in Harlem when he and his 
delegation moved from a hostile hotel to the Hotel Theresa, where he was 
welcomed by Malcolm. He was a controversial figure. Actor Ossie Davis eulogized 
him as our “Black Shining Prince” while the director of the U.S. Information 
Agency, Carl T. Rowan, referred to him as “an ex-convict, ex-dope peddler who 
became a racial fanatic.” 

He was loved by the oppressed and hated by the oppressors. Malcolm spoke about 
the MMI and OAAU in these terms: “Its aim is to create an atmosphere and 
facilities in which people who are interested in Islam can get a better 
understanding of Islam. The aim of the OAAU is to use whatever means necessary 
to bring about a society in which the 22 million Afro-Americans are recognized 
and respected as human beings.”

“The Autobiography of Malcolm X” by Alex Haley and other books by and about 
Malcolm continue to sell worldwide. Some of his books have recently been 
published in Cuba. Malcolm was one of the few Black Nationalist leaders who 
welcomed Cuban leader Fidel Castro to Harlem in 1960.

Many Nationalists didn’t want to be identified with communism. Carlos Cooks, 
the leader of the African Nationalist Pioneer Movement, absolutely refused to 
have anything to do with Castro. But African people in the West could easily 
identify with the slogan, “When Africa called, Cuba answered.” Kwame Ture 
(Stokely Carmichael) was fond of reminding us that the only place in the United 
States that Fidel felt safe was in Harlem.

Toronto-based journalist and radio producer Norman (Otis) Richmond can be heard 
on Diasporic Music the last Thursday of every month at 8-10 p.m., Uhuru Radio 
every other Sunday 2-4 p.m., Saturday Morning Live on Saturdays 10 a.m.-1 p.m. 
He can be reached by e-mail at


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