Amnesty International Calls for Angola 3′s Release from 40 Years of Solitary 

                                by James Ridgeway and Jean Casell,
June 7th 2011                                                                   

Amnesty International has issued a press release, action alert, and detailed 
report on the case of the Angola 3, which has been extensively documented in 
Mother Jones (here, here, and here). The press release, issued yesterday, 
concerns the two members of the Angola 3 who remain in prison and have now 
entered their 40th year in solitary confinement.

The US state of Louisiana must immediately remove two inmates from the solitary 
confinement they were placed in almost 40 years ago, Amnesty International said 

Albert Woodfox, 64, and Herman Wallace, 69, were placed in “Closed Cell 
Restriction (CCR)” in Louisiana State Penitentiary – known as Angola Prison – 
since they were convicted of the murder of a prison guard in 1972. Apart from 
very brief periods, they have been held in isolation ever since.

“The treatment to which Albert Woodfox and Herman Wallace have been subjected 
for the past four decades is cruel and inhumane and a violation of the US’s 
obligations under international law,” said Guadalupe Marengo, Americas Deputy 
Director at Amnesty International.

The action alert urges readers to sign a petition to Louisiana Governor Bobby 
Jindal. The twelve-page report describes the apparent miscarriages of justice 
involved in Woodfox and Wallace’s original murder conviction, and then asks, 
“Why are they still in isolation?” It goes on to explain:

In the early 1970s, conditions at Angola were brutal. Racism was rife. Inmates 
were racially segregated and guarded exclusively by white officers, as well as 
armed white inmates. The culture of violence that infused prison life was 
reflected in the high number of murders and the widespread use of sexual 
slavery among inmates.

In this toxic environment, Albert Woodfox and Herman Wallace, who were both 
imprisoned for unrelated cases of armed robbery, founded a prison chapter of 
the Black Panther Party (BPP). They were later joined by Robert King and 
together the men campaigned for fair treatment and better conditions for 
inmates; racial solidarity between black and white inmates; and an end to the 
rape and sexual slavery that was then endemic in the prison.

“They tried to change conditions… the prison was considered the worst in the 
nation. They brought people together and brought in an ideology that said that 
despite the fact that you were prisoners, you still had some rights. Because of 
this, the administration saw them as being threats and they have paid dearly.” 
–Robert King, 2011

Throughout the long years of isolation, Albert Woodfox and Herman Wallace have 
consistently maintained that they did not kill Brent Miller. They believe that 
they were falsely implicated in the murder because of their political activism 
in prison as members of the BPP. During the many years of litigation in the 
case, evidence has emerged to suggest that the decision to keep them in 
solitary was based at least in part on their political activism and association 
with the BPP.

“I would still keep [Albert Woodfox] in CCR. I still know he has a propensity 
for violence. I still know that he is still trying to practice Black 
Pantherism, and I still would not want him walking around my prison because he 
would organize the young new inmates. I would have me all kinds of problems, 
more than I could stand, and I would have the blacks chasing after them. I 
would have chaos and conflict and I believe that. He has to stay in a cell 
while he’s at Angola.” –Burl Cain, Angola prison Warden, 2008. These remarks 
were made despite a finding by a US district judge in November 2008 that Albert 
Woodfox had maintained a clean conduct record for 20 years.

Since 1972, the prison review board has reviewed the prison’s original decision 
to keep the men in solitary on more than 150 occasions. At each review, without 
giving the men an opportunity to participate in the process or dispute the 
decision, the review board has determined that Albert Woodfox and Herman 
Wallace should continue to be held in CCR due to the “nature of the original 
reason for lockdown”.

In 1996, Louisiana prison policy was changed to remove “original reason for 
lockdown” as a factor to be taken into account by the review board when 
considering whether to continue an inmate’s confinement in CCR. This change has 
never been applied to reviews of the continued isolation of Albert Woodfox or 
Herman Wallace; the board simply continues to note “Original reason for 
lockdown” on all of the documents explaining why release from CCR has been 

Records show that neither man has committed any serious disciplinary 
infractions for decades and prison mental health records indicate that the men 
pose no threat to themselves or to others. However, none of this appears to 
merit consideration in the view of the prison Warden who in 2006 said of Herman 
Wallace: “his record… doesn’t really matter a lot. The original sentence, 
that’s why he’s there, that’s why he’s there and that’s why he’s going to stay 

Amnesty International believes that the men’s continued classification as CCR 
inmates serves no legitimate penal purpose. Under the direction of Warden Cain, 
who has dismissed the men’s clean disciplinary record as irrelevant, the review 
board has effectively ignored Louisiana prison policies for 15 years. It has 
failed absolutely to provide a meaningful review of the men’s continued 
isolation. By simply rubberstamping the original decision to confine the men in 
CCR, successive prison review boards have subjected Albert Woodfox and Herman 
Wallace over the course of decades to conditions that can only be described as 
cruel, inhuman and degrading.

The Amnesty report goes on to describe in detail the conditions in which these 
men, both now in their sixties, continue to live.

Throughout their prolonged isolation, Albert Woodfox and Herman Wallace have 
endured very restrictive conditions. Herman Wallace was transferred to the 
Elaine Hunt Correctional Center in 2009 and, the following year, Albert Woodfox 
was transferred to the David Wade Correctional Center. But although both men 
have now been moved out of Angola prison, the conditions in which they are held 
have not changed. They are confined to their cells for 23 hours a day. When the 
weather is fine, they are allowed outside three times a week for an hour of 
solitary recreation in an outdoor cage measuring 1.8×4.5m. For four hours a 
week, they are allowed to leave their cells to shower or walk, alone, along the 
cell unit corridor.

Their cells measure 2x3m. All they can see from inside the cell is a small area 
just beyond the bars at the front. Each cell has a toilet, a mattress on a 
steel bed platform, sheets, a blanket, a pillow and a small metal bench 
attached to the wall. Natural light is limited to a very small window at the 
back of the cell.

They have restricted access to books, newspapers and TV. Throughout their 
imprisonment, they have been deprived of opportunities for mental stimulation; 
they have never been allowed to work or to have access to education. Social 
interaction has been restricted to occasional visits from friends and family 
and limited telephone calls .

Lawyers report that both men are suffering from serious health problems caused 
or exacerbated by their years of close confinement. In the case of Herman 
Wallace, this includes osteoarthritis aggravated by inadequate exercise, 
functional impairment, memory loss and insomnia. Albert Woodfox is described as 
suffering from claustrophobia, hypertension, heart disease, chronic renal 
insufficiency, diabetes, anxiety and insomnia.

Decades of solitary confinement are also having a clear psychological effect on 
the men. After being held together in the same prison for nearly 40 years, they 
are now subjected to equally harsh conditions, but 250 miles apart in separate 
institutions. Herman Wallace is being held on a tier alongside mentally ill 
people and says that the shouting and screaming of inmates is making it very 
difficult for him to sleep.

The report concludes with a call for the United States to honor its obligations 
under international treaties.

Amnesty International believes that the conditions in which the two men are 
held, including the length of time they have spent in isolation, violate 
international human rights treaties to which the USA is a party.

The USA has an obligation under international standards to ensure that all 
prisoners, regardless of their background, are treated humanely and that any 
security measures that may be necessary conform to this requirement. The 
prolonged and indefinite isolation of Albert Woodfox and Herman Wallace without 
meaningful review runs directly counter to this obligation.

The USA has ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 
and the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading 
Treatment or Punishment, both of which prohibit torture and other 
ill-treatment. The relevant treaty monitoring bodies (the Human Rights 
Committee and the Committee against Torture) have found that prolonged solitary 
confinement can amount to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading 
treatment. Both bodies have expressed concern that the harsh conditions of 
long-term isolation in some US segregation facilities are incompatible with the 
USA’s treaty obligations. Amnesty International believes their findings are 
particularly significant in the case of Albert Woodfox and Herman Wallace given 
that few, if any, other prisoners have spent so long in solitary confinement in 
recent times.


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