Occupation of Alcatraz helped Indians make gains

sfgate.com | Jun 11th 2011 The Indian occupation of Alcatraz - one of the most unusual events in San Francisco history - ended on a June afternoon just 40 years ago today when U.S. marshals swooped down on the prison island, hauled off 15 somewhat bedraggled Indians and told them never to return.

It appeared to be an enormous defeat for American Indian activists who had seized Alcatraz and occupied it for 19 months, hoping to turn it into an Indian university or cultural center. None of that happened.

"At the time it ended, the occupation seemed to be a failure," said Craig Glasner, a park ranger stationed on Alcatraz. But now, even the government admits the occupation was a landmark event.

For one thing, the government had to recognize a new Indian militancy. For another, plans to sell the island to private developers were dropped and Alcatraz is now part of a national park and draws 1.4 million visitors a year.

"The occupation of Alcatraz exceeded our wildest dreams," said Adam Fortunate Eagle Nordwall, one of the original leaders of the occupation. "It caused major changes in government policies toward Indians. So we won."

Federal raid

It certainly did not appear that way on June 11, 1971, when a raiding party of 20 armed federal marshals stepped off three Coast Guard cutters and evicted six men, four women and five children - the last remnants of hundreds of Indians and their supporters who had held the island for close to two years.

The government called them "illegal inhabitants." Though none of them was arrested, marshals removed them from Alcatraz, put up chain-link fences and stationed federal officers on the island. "We only want to get on with the business of developing the island," said U.S. Attorney James Browning.

Alcatraz had been abandoned as a prison in 1963 and declared surplus by the government. At one time it was offered for sale for $2 million. A more serious proposal was floated later - the island would be sold to a developer and turned into high-end residences and a grand casino, a sort of Monte Carlo in the bay.

Claiming the island

All that talk ended in November 1969, when Richard Oakes, a member of the Mohawk tribe who lived in San Francisco, led a group of 14 Indians to the island in a chartered boat to claim it for a group they called Indians of All Tribes.

They only stayed overnight, but three weeks later, a group of 80 Indians came back. "This time we have come to stay," Oakes said.

They claimed the island "by right of discovery" and issued a proclamation offering to pay $24 for it - the price Dutch colonists paid for Manhattan. The Indians painted signs all over the island - "You are on Indian land" and "Red Power."

Dead serious

At first it all seemed to be a lark. The news media loved it - colorful Indians camping on America's most famous island prison - but the Indians were dead serious.

The government at first backed off, and then began formal, and sometimes secret, talks with the Indians. The Indians wanted a cultural center, perhaps an Indian university.

"We need this place," said Tom Joseph, a Shoshone-Paiute, who was a student at UCLA.

"Alcatraz," said Nordwall, "has become a symbol."

It was also a bargaining chip. As long as the Indians mounted a nonviolent, high-profile occupation, the government had to talk. Apparently, even Leonard Garment, a powerful adviser to President Richard Nixon, was involved.

At one point, Nordwall and several others say, the government offered to trade Fort Mason on the San Francisco waterfront for the island. "I took the swap offer to Oakes," Nordwall said this week, "but he turned it down colder than hell."

Events take a turn

But events took a turn for the worse in January 1970, when Oakes' 12-year-old stepdaughter, Yvonne, died after a fall on the island. It broke Oakes' heart and he left the island.

Soon afterward, the Indian leadership fractured as different groups fought for control. Years later, Nordwall, now 81, said he was not surprised that the movement fractured. "That goes with any revolution," he said. "When you have an uprising, you have different factions duking it out. Just look at the Middle East now."

In May of 1970, the government removed a water barge that pumped fresh water into a tank on the island. Then they cut off the electricity. On June 1 a fire broke out and destroyed several structures, including the warden's residence. The government and the Indians blamed each other.

By summer, there were only 60 to 75 Indians still on Alcatraz, down from 800 at the height of the occupation. "We're Indians, all of us, and we belong on Alcatraz," La Nada Means, a 23-year-old Shoshone Bannock, told Herb Caen when the famed columnist visited the island. "Indians never had prisons - yet here, in this white man's prison, we have found freedom for the first time."

But the government played a waiting game. The long winter of 1970-71 took its toll. There was trouble on the island, vandalism, fights. The public gradually turned against the Indians.

Attitudes change

But when it was over, views shifted. The government attitude toward Indians changed; other, more militant Indians occupied other sites. In 1975, Congress passed the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act.

The old plans to terminate Indian reservations and tear up treaties were scrapped. "We got recognition," said Eloy Martinez, who was one of the original occupiers.

Martinez goes out every year on Columbus Day - he calls it Indigenous Day - and on Thanksgiving for a fire ceremony. "The occupation? I think it was pretty successful," he said.


Original Page: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/06/11/MNMH1JRSS1.DTL

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