
  The Rag Blog Digest  August 25, 2011 (

 Richard D. Jehn, founder    Thorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Glenn  W. Smith : Is Rick Perry a Person? (
 ) by Glenn W. Smith /  The Rag Blog. Smith -- who has followed Rick Perry 
since the '80s, both  as a reporter and while workingin Texas politics-- says, 
"If Rick Perry can be  president, I can play center field for the New York 
Yankees." Glenn's take on  "coyote-whacking" Rick and his "Texas Miracle" is 
insightful and funny. (Scoop:  Perry reportedly shaves his legs to ramp up his 
jogging speed!) Smith will be  Thorne Dreyer's guest on Rag Radio, Friday, Aug. 
26, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on Austin's KOOP  91.7-FM, and streamed live. (See Rag Radio 
info below.)

Richard  Raznikov : Libya Falls (Or Was it Pushed?) (
 ) by Richard  Raznikov / The Rag Blog. Raznikov questions the mainstream  line 
on Khadafy and the apparently successful "uprising" in Libya -- and the  role 
of the U.S. government in the revolt. He points out the significant reforms  of 
Khadafy's secular state, including universal health care --and the fact  
thatLibya was the region's most progressive on women's rights. The U.S.  
supportfor the "rebels" had much to do with the privatization of the nation's  
rich oil reserves.

VIDEO  / Jeff Zavala and Thorne Dreyer : Anarchist Organizer and Author Scott 
Crow on  Rag Radio (
 ) Video by Jeff Zavala / Interview by Thorne  Dreyer / The Rag Blog.Austin 
documentary videographer  Zavalaproduced this lively video ofThorne Dreyer's 
Rag Radio interview with  Austin-basedanarchist Scott Crow. Crow, who helped 
organize the massive  post-Katrina Common Ground collective in New Orleans, has 
been called a "domestic terrorist"  by the FBI and was the subject of a front 
page New York Times article  about surveillance of political activists.

Bob  Feldman : Hidden History: Slavery in Coahuila y Tejas (
 ) by Bob Feldman / The Rag Blog. Our revealing series on the  "hidden history 
of Texas" continues with the 1827-1836 years when Texas was  under Mexican 
rule. During this time slavery flourished in Texas -- which was  part of the 
state of Coahuila y Tejas -- despite the fact that it was  officially 
prohibited by the Mexican government.

Carl  Davidson : Time to Get Serious About Full Employment (
 ) by  Carl Davidson / The Rag Blog. Carlsays "we need a jobs  program that 
doesn't tinker around the edges." In a down economy, jobs are  created by 
increasing demand -- and consumer demand has taken a nose dive since  the 
credit bubble burst. Now, Carl says, the "government has to become the key  
customer," making "huge productive purchases" for local work and local 
materials  to build infrastructure like new and improved schools and 
county-owned green  energy plants.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer (
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here (


Rag  Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about  issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests  include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

Aug. 26, 2011: Progressive Blogger and Political Consultant Glenn W. Smith on 
Rick Perry and the "Texas Miracle."
Sept. 2, 2011: Film Scholar and Critic Chale Nafus of the Austin Film Society.
Sept. 9, 2011: Noted Writer and Political Activist Carl Davidson on the 
Mondragon Corp. and the Workers' Collective Movement.
Sept. 16, 2011: Singer/Songwriter and Storyteller Don Sanders.
Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio. (

Rag Radio is rebroadcast every Sunday at 10 a.m. (Eastern) on 

WFTE, 90.3-FM in Mt. Cobb, PA and 105.7-FM in Scranton, PA.


'Coyote-Whacking Rick' : Is Perry a Person?

The  Rag Blog Presents : Carl Davidson on Mondragon and Workers  Cooperatives (
 )-- Noted writer, political activist,  and Rag Blog contributorCarl Davidson 
will give a multi-media  presentation on the Mondragon Corporation and the 
Workers' Cooperative Movement  in Austin, Sept, 8, 7-10 p.m., at the 5604 Manor 
Community Center. Musician Bill  Oliver will perform.For more information, 
click on the link above.

Lamar  W. Hankins : Tax Cuts and Republican Hypocrisy (
 ) by Lamar  W. Hankins / The Rag Blog. Lamar says there's finally an Obama  
policy that he can wholeheartedly endorse: extending the payroll tax reduction  
enacted last year. But Republicans oppose it because they "see the benefit in  
extending tax cuts only for the millionaires and billionaires, who will invest  
their money wherever it will bring them the greatest yield," and not in the  
creation of jobs.

Ted  McLaughlin : The 'Free Market' Myth and the Suicide of  Capitalism (
 ) by Ted McLaughlin / The Rag  Blog. We hear a lot today about free trade and 
free enterprise,  which, according to Ted, are today's code words for 
unregulated capitalism. "In  a capitalist society such as ours the wealth will 
be redistributed to the  richest people unless there are some regulations to 
prevent that." Even Marx,  Ted tells us, favored free trade because he knew 
that such a system "was sowing  the seeds of its own destruction."

Kate  Braun : Problems Are Revealed During Balsamic Moon (
 ) by  Kate Braun / The Rag Blog. Katesays that the waning Balsamic  Moon phase 
is when "problems are revealed, but not a time when they are  solved."It's a 
timetomake plans for the future, look ahead, and "open  yourself for change." 
Katesuggests how best to observe this period of "healing  and rest."

At the trough : Tax cuts for the rich.

The Rag Blog is a non-profit internet newsmagazine produced by activist
journalists committed to progressive social change. The Rag Blog is published 
by the New Journalism Project, inc., a Texas non-profit corporation
has been granted tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal 
Revenue Code. This status is retroactive to Oct. 9,

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